Monday 30 July 2012

£120! I mean really ... £120 for one tidgy little paperback! I could write a thesis on the price of textbooks. This isn't even a particularly high-falutin' one either. It's for a first-year undergrad Media Communications class that lasts 8 weeks. I could - and have already been known to - write reams and reams on the price of textbooks. But, for now, I'm just blowing off steam. Do I really, really need another MA? Seriously, what am I thinking? I thought it was such a good idea when it was first broached - yes, yes, I exclaimed, I'll be your poster child for international relations and human rights in media communications. I'll write articles and give presentations at conferences and try and look like I know a little on the subject - but now I'm thinking a nice relaxing couple of years and lots and lots of sleep to make up for the last two years of academic hysteria might have been a better option.

And then I'd have £120 to spend on wine!

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